日本Cult名导石井辉男上世纪60年代经典作品。   影片通过三段故事展现了17世纪日本德川幕府时代的残酷风情画:   第一段:少女和病重的哥哥相依为命,还时常受到别人的欺负。后来兄妹俩发生乱伦,心怀愧疚的哥哥戳颈自杀,女孩则因乱伦罪名受到幕府的严惩……   第二段:新来的尼姑庵主持发现小尼姑和和尚的私情,嫉妒和愤恨让她将小尼姑活活折磨致死,主持与其帮凶同样没有逃脱幕府酷刑的惩罚……   第三段:类似《地狱变》和《禁室培育》的综合体。江户名雕长(小池朝雄 饰)最新作品“地狱变”受到酷吏南原(渡边文雄 饰)的嘲笑,为了夺回荣誉,他请求观摩南原拷打女囚的场面,最终他完成了生命中最辉煌的作品……

The Joy of Torture is an anthology that is made up of three separate stories that all intersect: The first segment is about Shinza who was hurt while working when a log hit him on the head, and now sister Mitsu is forced to give herself to her brother's boss Mr. Mino in order to help pay for Shinza's doctor bills. The second segment is about the arrival of mother Reiho and her servant Rintoku at the Jukuin monastery. The monastery is located near a temple inhabited by priests and one day when one of them named Shunkei runs by Reiho he arouses something inside of her. The final segment is about a tattoo artist named Horicho who has just given Kimicho his greatest tattoo to date. While showing his work off to a group of people, a man named Lord Nambera walks by mocking the tattoo and its lack of realism.


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