法国女孩马蒂尔达(奥黛丽·托图 饰)因为小儿麻痹而落下残疾,同村的男孩马涅克(加斯帕德·尤利尔 饰)是她青梅竹马的情人,二人已定下婚约,但是,随着一战的爆发,马涅克应征入伍,婚约也变得遥遥无期。   战争持久而残酷,但是马蒂尔达认为自己和马涅克之间有奇妙的感应,她坚信马涅克还活着。   1920年,马蒂尔达收到噩耗:五名法国士兵因自残罪名被本国军事委员会判处死刑,扔到敌方的“黄昏宾果”战壕前等死,其中最年轻的一个就是马涅克。   马蒂尔达开始艰难的寻找真相,她找私家侦探调查,托人查看军方的相关文件,锲而不舍察访“黄昏宾果”战壕的幸存者,为此不惜耗尽了父母留下的遗产。   寻找的过程痛苦而漫长,马蒂尔达仿佛亲身经历了战争的恐怖,也知道了“黄昏宾果”战壕更多不为人知的秘密……

Five desperate French soldiers during The Battle of the Somme shoot themselves, either by accident or with purpose, in order to be invalided back home. Having been "caught" a court-martial convenes and determines punishment to be banishment to No Man's Land with the objective of having the Germans finish them off. In the process of telling this tale each man's life is briefly explored along with their next of kin as Methilde, fiancée to one of the men, tries to determine the circumstances of her lover's death. This task is not made any easier for her due to a bout with polio as a child. Along the way she discovers the heights and depths of the human soul.

战争与和平的漫长婚约。谁愿用一生等待。那时天使还不会哭泣。记录:漫长的婚约。乐观。最漫长的等待。法国浪漫主义者镜头下的“集结号”。M小姐和她的高纯度爱情。也许意外的才是自然的。a very long engagement。

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