超强押运人弗兰克·马丁(杰森·斯坦森 Jason Statham 饰)近期的工作是接送缉毒官员比林斯先生的小儿子杰克,弗兰克与杰克母子相处和谐,但一伙歹徒的突然出现打破了平静,弗拉克与他们在医院首次交手顺利脱险,可为了杰克的安全着想,弗兰克不得不把孩子送到对方手中,并因此被警方确认为绑架嫌犯。弗兰克发觉这次绑架另有深意,策划此次事件的幕后贩毒集团意在通过小杰克将致命病毒传染给参加国际会议的各国缉毒组织高官,以便为自己的犯罪行为扫清障碍。弗兰克承担着杰克母亲奥黛丽的信任,在警方与贩毒集团的追夹中,逐渐逼近幕后策划者詹尼(Alessandro Gassman 饰),并与同样身手不凡的詹尼展开天上水下的连场搏杀。

Frank Martin is the best in the business. The ex-Special Forces operative hires himself out as a mercenary "transporter" who moves goods--human or otherwise. Very simple, he delivers, no questions asked. Frank has relocated from the French Mediterranean to Miami, Florida, where as a favor to a friend, Frank is driving for the wealthy Billings family. There's very little that can surprise The Transporter, but young Jack Billings has done just that; Frank has unexpectedly bonded with Jack, age 6, who he drives to and from school. But when Jack is kidnapped, Frank must use his battle-tested combat skills to retrieve the boy and thwart the kidnappers' master plan to release a virus that will kill anyone with whom it comes in contact.


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