中情局反恐事务的特工Carrie(克莱尔·丹妮丝 Claire Danes 饰)在中东地区执行任务时,她的线向她透露了一个惊人的秘密:一名被俘的美军士兵已经变节,现在为基地组织效力,准备在美国本土策划发动恐怖袭击。几个月后,美国海军陆战队根据线报在阿富汗发现了被俘近九年的Nicholas Brody中士(戴米恩·路易斯 Damian Lewis 饰),荣归故里的Brody受到英雄般的礼遇。同时,Carrie也被中情局调回国内工作,并坚信Brody就是那个已经变节的士兵,从而暗中展开调查。   Brody发现妻子妻子Jessica(莫瑞娜·巴卡琳 Morena Baccarin 饰)已与好友相恋,醋性大发的他与Carrie发生了关系。Carrie一方面爱上了这个男人,一方面还是对他存有疑心。究竟Brody是否变节?他与Carrie的关系将如何发展?

Carrie Mathison, a CIA operations officer, is on probation after carrying out an unauthorized operation in Iraq. As a result, she has been reassigned to the Counter terrorism center. Whilst in Iraq, she was warned that an American prisoner had been turned by Al-Qaeda. When Nicholas Brody, a U.S. Marine Sergeant, is rescued after being held hostage since 2003, she suspects that he is the one. While Brody is received home as a war hero, Carrie goes to any lengths necessary to catch him out.


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