影片讲述了两个铤而走险的逃亡兄妹的故事。在他们逃亡的路上,他们还碰到了个正回家、麻烦不断的前拳击手。   艾瑞克·巴纳与奥利维亚·王尔德在此片中饰演一对兄妹,他们从一场赌场抢劫中全身而退,开始了逃亡之旅。当他们逃到冰天雪地的边境地带,偶遇一个落魄的拳击手,而他无辜的家庭被这两位煞星搅得天翻地覆。

After a heist of a casino, the criminal Addison and his sister Liza are on the run to Canada with their driver/accomplice Theo. Out of the blue, Theo hits a deer and loses control of the car that leaves the road and overturns. Theo dies and Addison kills a patrolman that comes to help them. Then he splits the money with Liza and tells his sister to get a ride to the border while he will cross the woods. Addison leaves a trail of blood in his runaway. Meanwhile, the former boxer Jay, who was arrested for losing a fight, is released from prison on probation and calls his mother June Mills that lives in an isolated house with his estranged father Chet Mills that was the former Sheriff. June invites her son for the Thanksgiving dinner, but he goes first to the gym to collect money that his couch owes him. They quarrel and Jay hits him and believes that has killed him. He flees and while driving on the road, he sees Liza and gives a ride to her. Soon they fall in love with each other. Meanwhile Sheriff Marshall T. Becker is hunting Addison with his men but he does not allow that his daughter, Deputy Hanna to participate in the hunting party. The Thanksgiving will end with all the characters gathering at Chet and June's home.

其实我蛮喜欢酱油女警的。一部看到落泪的片子。屌丝们没事多吃韭菜少撸管,事关全家性命~~。探讨下片中的人物关系。All Mistakes。。陷阱在哪里?。谁知道里面的插曲叫啥,还挺好听的。七宗罪里的陷阱。讨论最后一幕的“陷阱”。七宗罪的陷阱。

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