这是一场发生在世界末日即将来临时的末世之恋。流行病学家苏珊(伊娃·格林 Eva Green)与餐厅主厨麦克(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor)相识、相恋,但无奈此时此刻的世界正在遭受一场新型流行病的侵袭。随着流行病的蔓延,患者会伴随着情绪失控逐渐丧失味觉、嗅觉 、听觉、直至最后丧失视觉。虽然苏珊和麦克都尽量努力避免患病,但当作为厨师的麦克不再能尝出食物的味道,作为科学家的苏珊也渐渐丧失感觉,这对末世情人便已知晓无人能够逃脱这场灭顶之灾。两人于是选择珍惜仅有的彼此,最后在逐渐模糊的视线中拥抱住对方。

An odd epidemic appears across the globe: people suddenly lose one of their senses. At first, it's an outbreak of loss of smell. It's often presaged by a destructive temper tantrum. In this mix are a scientist and a chef - she's Susan, one of a team trying to understand the epidemic; he's Michael, charming and engaging. Susan and Michael begin a relationship in the middle of increasing chaos, as the loss of other senses plagues more people and as civil authorities try to maintain order. Susan's voice-over reflections provide insight. Is love possible in such a changed world? Can anything make perfect sense?

生命的意义是拥你入怀。开年看的第一片。从头爽到脚后跟。后期制作毁了。地球毁灭之前,让我们紧拥这感觉。我记了一些喜欢的台词。。结尾终将回归孤独.。正确的时候,彻底地投入。太过文艺的科幻片。lying in sense,dying in love。

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