Inès在一家位于布加勒斯特的德国大型企业工作。她的生活一直井然有序,直到她的父亲Winfried突然造访,并向她提出了这个问题:“你幸福吗?”面对这个根本无法回答的问题,她的生活开始出现一系列翻天覆地的变化。她并不喜欢自己的父亲,甚至有点以他为耻,但他却通过捏造一个名叫Toni Erdmann的诙谐人物,试图为她的生活找到一个方向。

Winfried doesn't see much of his working daughter Ines. He pays her a surprise visit in Bucharest, where she's busy as a corporate strategist. The geographical change doesn't help them to see more eye to eye. Practical joker Winfried annoys his daughter with corny pranks and jabs at her routine lifestyle of meetings and paperwork. Father and daughter reach an impasse, and Winfried agrees to go home to Germany. Enter Toni Erdmann: Winfried's flashy alter ego. Disguised in a tacky suit, weird wig and fake teeth, Toni barges into Ines' work circle, claiming to be her CEO's life coach. As Toni, Winfried doesn't hold back, and Ines meets the challenge. The harder they push, the closer they become. In all the madness, Ines begins to see that her eccentric father deserves a place in her life.


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