阿亚兹,一位七十岁的孤独老人,厌倦了他的人生。他不断地寻找死去的方式。多年前在一场婚礼的归途中,他驾驶的小巴士掉进了山谷中,乘客们——都是他的家人——在那场事故中丧生。   而今,阿亚兹与他孙子易卜拉欣——整个家庭唯一的幸存者——以及磁带上他妻子的声音生活在一起。活着,让他感到憎恶。

Ayaz, a lonely seventy-year-old man, detests his life. He's constantly in search of ways of ending his life. Some years back, on the way back from a family wedding party, the minibus which he was driving, falls in the bottom of a valley and people on board -all his own family- are killed. Now, Ayaz lives with his teenager grandchild, Ebrahim - who is the last remainder of his family- and his wife's voice on a cassette tape. He loathes being alive.


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