在芝加哥闹市的街头,在警察们的众目睽睽之下,反派英雄萨伊尔(阿米尔·汗 Aamir Khan 饰)成功盗取了芝加哥西部银行,尽管警察在大街小巷围追堵截,但是自幼在马戏团长大的他总能靠着自己的聪明才智和敏捷身手,一次次的逃脱,化险为夷。恼羞成怒的银行家誓死要抓到这个窃贼,保护自己的财产,找到国际刑警相助破案,萨伊尔利用各种意想不到的方法与之对抗,双方展开了一场高智商的对决。在激烈的对决背后,却有一个尘封已久的故事渊源……

The favourite Indian action franchise is back. This time Jai Dixit (Abhishek Bachchan) and Ali (Uday Chopra) return to match their wits with the enigmatic clown thief, Sahir (Aamir Khan), who has the city of Chicago in his thrall. In this battle of revenge and dignity, the lines blur and the conventional definition of good and bad don't apply. Watch a spectacle that will thrill you and move you.


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