Since 2007, the Hong Kong health authorities have implemented an anti-smoking law that bans people from smoking in all indoor areas, including offices, restaurants, bars, and karaoke lounges. Office smokers now have to take their cigarette breaks on the streets outside, which has led to groups of smokers from the same building bonding together in cliques known as "hot pot packs." In an alley packed with loudmouth co-workers spreading the daily gossip, Jimmy, a mild-mannered advertising executive, meets cosmetics salesgirl Cherie. An awkward flirtation ensues amidst their afternoon nicotine rush. As their mutual infatuation intensifies, the couple moves farther and farther away from the rest of the "hot pot pack" into their own private alley, where they have conversations of unexpected emotional depth. As smoke gets in their eyes, one thing leads to another
三级恋爱时代。请给我一场不赶时间的恋爱。“I miss u”,这是我今夏听到的最好听的情话。。在三级片影厅遇见彭浩翔(彭导本人来现场督战了~)。《志明与春娇》:从“形而下”到“形而上”。溯洄从之,道阻且长。 溯游从之,宛在水中央。。我们为爱发的疯。遇上你,我觉得是被祝福了。从我到你的距离有多远?。问这快乐为何来去如飞 象那天上白云乍离乍聚。
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