故事设定在20世纪50年代在意大利托斯卡纳一处偏僻的别墅。艾米莉亚·克拉克在片中饰演一名叫Verena的护士,被聘来照顾因失去生母而不再开口说话的少年继承人,希望帮助他恢复沟通。   但随着Verena对少主的一步步观察,她开始发现不妥,似乎有一种强大而诡秘的诅咒在控制着这个小孩子,而这份诅咒正是来自别墅中的一面石墙。

In the 50's, in Tuscany, the nurse Verena is hired by the sculptor Klaus to help his son Jakob who has not spoken since his mother Malvina passed away. Verena befriends the old housekeeper Lilia and tries to connect to Jokob, but the boy can hear his mother's voice from the walls of the old family house. Throughout the days, Verena grows attached to Jakob and falls in love with Klaus, but she finds that Malvina is trapped in the house by Jakob.


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