贾克斯(布莱特妮•墨菲 饰)住在伦敦,是英国时尚杂志《VOGUE》的小助理,周围聚集着一堆时尚界、艺术界的朋友。她和最亲密的同性恋友人彼得(马修•瑞斯 饰)住在一起,和前男友詹姆斯分手后保持着肉体关系,她生活中最大的乐趣就是给自己的朋友当媒人,帮助他们处理感情上的各种问题。 一天,贾克斯认识了才华横溢、帅气性感的杂志新摄影师助理保罗(圣地亚哥•卡布瑞 饰),她想当然地要把保罗和彼得撮合在一起,展开了她的行动。 不过这个无厘头的丘比特似乎太忙于撮合别人的感情,而没有时间认真审视自己的情感。
Emily Jackson lives a fast-paced life. Always on the go, able to talk around the clock, with a sensitive soul she loves playing matchmaker for her friends. It's Emily's gay roommate and frequent companion Peter, who becomes again the subject matchmaking skills when handsome new photographer assistant Paolo arrives at the Vogue offices, where Emily works. She makes it her mission to bring the two men together. Unfortunately for her, she is so busy arranging a love connection between Peter and Paolo that she remains completely blind to the one suitor who longs to provide her with the loving companionship that she so cheerfully arranges for others. And so it does make sense that Peter, a screenwriter in the making, starts telling the story from his own point of view.
来吧,向奥黛丽•赫本致敬。我爱它我爱它我爱它。相思成灾中有意思的对白。噢,伦敦街头的VOGUE。Love and Other Disasters。再见你,完全是因为马修瑞斯。这片子完全是我的精神力量。浓缩的精华。愛 只是一個選擇。love is not a conspiracy.。
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