
类型:剧情  地区:美国  年份:2013 

Clark(提奥·詹姆斯 Theo James 饰)当了三年街头巡警,因为杰出表现而被调任命案科侦探。新上级对他这次升职颇有不满,把喜欢唠叨的老侦探Don(齐·麦克布赖德 Chi McBride 饰)分配给Clark做搭档。当然除了Don,这个小组中还有优秀人才Arroyo(凯文·阿历詹卓 Kevin Alejandro 饰)和唯一的女侦探Deborah(邦妮· 萨默维尔 Bonnie Somerville 饰)。然后,Clark未成年的妹妹Agnes(斯黛拉·麦薇 Stella Maeve 饰)也是他最大的困扰。她总能想出各式危险的方法来证明自己日渐成熟。观察力和机智头脑,这一些Clark统统都不缺,但如何坐稳这个位置才是真困难的。总之,“警界金童”之路充满曲折......

Walter Clark is destined to be the youngest police commissioner in the history of the NYPD. This is the story of how it came to be. It begins 7 years before he became commissioner, when he was a rookie cop who saved the life of his partner who was shot and a hostage. This was witnessed by several people, and he would get promoted to detective and offered the position of his choice. Clark asks to be assigned to a homicide task force. When he arrives, one of the detectives who was the star of the unit until Clark arrived resents his presence. And the detective assigned to him feels as if he's babysitting him. But Clark sets out to do the best job he can.


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