本片并非奥黛丽·赫本的第一部影片,而是她第四部担任龙套角色的作品。赫本原本要饰演主要女性角色之一,但因为舞台剧《金粉世界》轧戏无法分身,只好串场跑龙套。她在该片中演的是一个向亚历克·吉尼斯调情的年轻女郎,出场不超过30秒!   片中男主角亚历克·吉尼斯表演一位温和谦虚的金条运输员,即把金条装载在装甲车里运送,20年来他都在重复着这项工作。然而 有一天,他决定抢劫价值一百万英镑的黄金,他的同伙有他招募的人员以及他的老朋友(Stanley Holloway)------一个压纸器的雕刻家和制造商。他们决定一旦金条抢劫到手就把它模藏在埃菲尔铁塔的小模型里,然后再运往法国。但在经过海关时,由于海关人员在密切警戒着那丢失的黄金,这些业余的小偷们不由的惊慌起来,以至六个藏有黄金的埃菲尔铁塔的小模型希里糊涂地买给了一群英国女学生……

Holland, a shy retiring man, dreams of being rich and living the good life. Faithfully, for 20 years, he has worked as a bank transfer agent for the delivery of gold bullion. One day he befriends Pendlebury, a maker of souvenirs. Holland remarks that, with Pendlebury's smelting equipment, one could forge the gold into harmless-looking toy Eiffel Towers and smuggle the gold from England into France. Soon after, the two plant a story to gain the services of professional criminals Lackery and Shorty. Together, the four plot their crime, leading to unexpected twists and turns.


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