Captain John Yossarian, a World War II bombardier, is stationed on the island of Pianosa. He is an individualist who seeks to protect his own life by fleeing to the hospital, since a "catch-22" in the Air Force regulations prevents him from being grounded for illness or obtaining a leave.

还是意大利老爷子看得透彻啊。这新剧太过内涵,我来帮你扒开它。生命赠我以谬,我说:去他的——R级美剧《第二十二条军规》。说好的喜剧呢?。从形式主义走向极端主义。闹剧,正在卷土重来。live forever or die in the attempt。第二十二条军规。斯诺登的秘密:战争中的人就是物质。现实的catch-22。

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