阿姆(金城武 饰)和小文(郝邵文 饰)在夏威夷生活,小文每日在阳光沙滩上优游的与白人女童游戏,阿姆则要担负生活压力,为了保住自己的摊位,雇佣壮汉把自己打造成功夫高手来吓退流氓。释小龙(释小龙 饰)和释小燕(叶全真 饰)师姐弟分别修行功夫和特异功能,如今二人通过考验,受国家委派前往夏威夷参加世界武术大赛。小龙、小燕偶然从流氓手中救下阿姆,小文很快与小龙成为朋友,阿姆则对小燕一见钟情。被打的流氓引来犯罪集团将小龙绑架,原来小龙与小燕此行表面是参加比武,实际上是为了争夺中苏共同拥有的核武器启动装置。小燕为了救回小龙和犯罪集团作战,而他们的领队却心怀鬼胎……

At Shaolin Temple in Hunan, the best at Kung-Fu are Yin, a willowy young woman who has mastered supernatural powers, and Loon, a small boy who's a Dervish at martial arts. They go to Hawaii for a world competition, and their government assigns So, the delegation head, to find a missing nuclear code key before it falls into the hands of an underworld figure in Hawaii. Comrade So is kidnapped and tortured; Yin and Loon must rescue him. They're aided by a handsome young man and a chubby extroverted boy whom Yin rescues by chance from thugs. These two Hawaiians turn out to have a connection to Shaolin Temple. That connection proves to be a God-send.


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