In 1965, Ernesto 'Che' Guevara resigns from his Cuban government posts to secretly make his latest attempt to spread the revolution in Bolivia. After arriving in La Paz, Bolivia late in 1966, by 1967, Che with several Cuban volunteers, have raised a small guerrilla army to take on the militarist Bolivian movement. However, Che must face grim realities about his few troops and supplies, his failing health, and a local population who largely does not share his idealistic aspirations. As the US supported Bolivian army prepares to defeat him, Che and his beleaguered force struggle against the increasingly hopeless odds.
一部关于“人”的史诗。血肉之躯。1967年,切在尤罗山峡。朴素的纯粹的理性主义者。天堂革命家。英雄葬礼。附上一首关于 切 的 歌词。传奇革命英雄的故事。瞧,这些人。让切·格瓦拉的传奇落幕。
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