泰瑞(琼·艾伦 Joan Allen 饰)曾经也有过美满的家庭和幸福的人生,可是,酗酒的恶习让她的脾气愈发暴躁,性格愈加乖僻,最终,忍受妻子多年的丈夫格瑞(Danny Webb 饰)选择了离开。人到中年却遭到了丈夫的抛弃,泰瑞的精神陷入了崩溃之中,无所适从的她只能借助酒精麻痹自己的神经,但这只会让事情变得越来越糟,泰瑞和四个女儿之间的关系也因此跌入了冰点。   一次偶然中,邻居丹尼(凯文·科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)出现在了泰瑞的生活里,随着时间的推移,两颗寂寞的心靠得越来越近。看到母亲的生活因为爱情的降临而步入了正轨,泰瑞的四个女儿决定帮助泰瑞促成这段感情。

A sharp-witted suburban wife, Terry Wolfmeyer, is left to raise her four headstrong daughters when her husband unexpectedly disappears. Things get even more hectic when she falls for her neighbor Denny, a once-great baseball star turned radio d.j. This leaves her daughters out on a limb. They are forced to juggle their mom's romantic dilemmas as well as their own.

Sometimes what tears us apart helps us put it back together。失踪者。生死两茫茫。脆弱,你的名字就是女人。回味老戏,贴个汇总自己看。

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