罗德里格斯在上世纪70年代发行过两张专辑《Cold Fact》与《Coming From Reality》,在南非有超过50万的销量且知名度可与滚石乐队相提并论。但与其他知名的美国歌手不同,南非的歌迷得不到任何一点关于罗德里格斯的信息,除了专辑歌曲之外唯一能了解的只有专 辑封面上一张并不清晰的相片。两张专辑后,他好像也就此销声匿迹。   对于在南非的辉煌成绩,罗德里格斯其实并不知情,他在美国过着截然不同的生活,没有知名度,专辑销量不佳,被唱片公司抛弃,曾经一度做着装修屋顶的体力活…… 南非开普敦一家唱片店老板斯蒂芬与音乐记者克雷格听到罗德里格斯在舞台上奇特自杀的传闻后展开调查,寻找小糖人之路就此开始,一段神秘的传奇故事就此展开……

In the early 1970s, Sixto Rodriguez was a Detroit folksinger who had a short-lived recording career with only two well received but non-selling albums. Unknown to Rodriguez, his musical story continued in South Africa where he became a pop music icon and inspiration for generations. Long rumored there to be dead by suicide, a few fans in the 1990s decided to seek out the truth of their hero's fate. What follows is a bizarrely heartening story in which they found far more in their quest than they ever hoped, while a Detroit construction laborer discovered that his lost artistic dreams came true after all.

小糖人的平行世界。故事会反哺。戏剧不只他一人。《寻找小糖人》:来自民间的力量。¨I talked to Jesus at the sewer¨。传奇是制造出来的,是他耕种的一生让我感恩。这才是生活本来的样子啊。写在导演过世之后。会不会有二次文艺复兴和该不该有二次文艺复兴,这是两个毫无关系的问题。他在走路,就真的只是在走路而已。

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