年仅8岁的垣野内逞(小林海人 饰)在医院结识种田医生(仲村亨 饰)的女儿茧(熊田圣亚 饰),初次相会便结下无法割舍的羁绊。逞被诊断患有心脏病,无法活过20岁。这一噩耗在两个孩子心间播下种子,他们相互约定,好好治疗,携手走入婚姻的殿堂。岁月流转,逞(冈田将生 饰)和茧(井上真央 饰)渐渐长大,他们就读同一所中学同一班级,二人相互依赖,情深意笃。爱情的力量甚至让原本在学业上有较大差距的两人考上同一所高中。但是童年时代由种田医生道出的谶言始终困扰着这对青年男女,他们能否携手跨过死神的阻拦呢……   本片根据青木琴美同名畅销少女漫画改编。

As a child Takuma is diagnosed with a heart condition that requires care from a cardiologist. He soon becomes friends with his doctors young daughter Mayu while being treated at the hospital. One day Mayu overhears her father saying that Takumas condition is serious enough that he most likely wont live beyond the age of 20. Takuma isn't aware of this himself, however, so at 8-years-old he makes a promise to marry Mayu when they turn 20. Later in life, Takuma becomes aware that he wont be able to keep this promise and he begins distancing himself from Mayu in hopes of protecting her.

属于你的我的初恋。论纯爱电影对单身大龄青年的摧残。回忆让你如此美丽。箭道场的爱。属于你我的初恋。属于他和她的初恋。世界第一的初恋。I give my first love to you。。抱着骨灰盒结婚的勇气。。Tips。

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