该片是一部三段式主题(爱和性)电影,由米开朗基罗•安东尼奥尼(《危险临界点》)、史蒂文•索德伯格(《平衡》)和王家卫(《手》)三位导演联合执导。   《手》讲的是1960年代的香港,年轻的裁缝(张震)多年不计回报地爱着交际花华小姐(巩俐)的故事,影像华丽,充满了质感又略带伤感。《平衡》的故事发生在1950年代的纽约,广告人尼克•彭罗斯(罗伯特•唐尼)总是被春梦困扰,只得向他的心理医生珀尔(阿兰•阿金)求助,基调虽荒谬反常,却也可看成颇有自嘲意味的幽默喜剧。《危险临界线》则仍是安东尼奥尼一向关注的现代社会中的男女关系主题,哲学味道浓烈。

A three-part anthology film about love and sexuality: a menage-a-trois between a couple and a young woman on the coast of Tuscany; an advertising executive under enormous pressure at work, who, during visits to his psychiatrist, is pulled to delve into the possible reasons why his stress seems to manifest itself in a recurring erotic dream; and a story of unrequited love about a beautiful, 1960s high-end call girl in an impossible affair with her young tailor.


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