从小生活在贫穷当中的玛丽萨•文图拉(詹妮弗•洛佩兹 饰)十分坚强,如今她需要独自抚养儿子泰勒,她没有丈夫,没有幸福的家庭,而是每天都要为着儿子与自己的生活奔波劳碌。玛丽萨在曼哈顿一间高级酒店内当清洁女工,工资微薄。   玛丽萨梦想自己与儿子的生活能有更大的改善,也希望自己能遇到一个真心爱自己的人。就在这时,她与英俊优雅的贵族公子克里斯多佛•马歇尔(拉尔夫•费因斯 饰)在酒店内相遇了,他误会了正试穿名贵时装的玛丽萨是一名社会名媛。   两人对彼此都有好感,可是当进一步发展感情的时候,玛丽萨的真实身份成为了最大的障碍,玛丽萨又能否苦尽甘来,得到自己最想要的生活呢?

Marisa Ventura is a single mother born and bred in the boroughs of New York City, who works as a maid in a first-class Manhattan hotel. By a twist of fate and mistaken identity, Marisa meets Christopher Marshall, a handsome heir to a political dynasty, who believes that she is a guest at the hotel. Fate steps in and throws the unlikely pair together for one night. When Marisa's true identity is revealed, the two find that they are worlds apart, even though the distance separating them is just a subway ride between Manhattan and the Bronx.

幸好还有Ralph。非此非彼非童话。Maid in Manhattan。we all need some candy film。生活中的现实灰姑娘。= =。你最珍贵。120213安雅生日快乐,生日电影《曼哈顿女佣》真心好看,真心感想。。Made in Manhattan, made in America 一边做着白日梦一边流着哈喇子。爲什麽爛片我還要寫評論。

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