埃琳•布罗克维奇(朱莉娅•罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰)是倒霉鬼中的典型。她结过两次婚,但每次婚姻都没有给她带来幸福,反而令她成了一个拖着三个孩子的单身母亲。倒霉的她在遭到一场交通事故后,连志在必得的赔偿官司到最后都输掉了。   为她辩护的律师埃德(阿尔伯特•芬尼 Albert Finney 饰)半是同情埃琳半是因为帮她打输了官司心感内疚,收留了埃琳在他的律师楼里打杂。埃琳的生活算是有了一点保障。在调查一单污水申诉案时,埃琳偶然发现了污水中含剧毒物质,而供水公司确对此敷衍了事。弱女子埃琳决定用她柔弱的肩膀担负起为受污染的数百名居民讨回公道的重担!

Erin Brockovich-Ellis is an unemployed single mother, desperate to find a job, but is having no luck. This losing streak even extends to a failed lawsuit against a doctor in a car accident she was in. With no alternative, she successfully browbeats her lawyer to give her a job in compensation for the loss. While no one takes her seriously, with her trashy clothes and earthy manners, that soon changes when she begins to investigate a suspicious real estate case involving the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. What she discovers is that the company is trying quietly to buy land that was contaminated by hexavalent chromium, a deadly toxic waste that the company is improperly and illegally dumping and, in turn, poisoning the residents in the area. As she digs deeper, Erin finds herself leading point in a series of events that would involve her law firm in one of the biggest class action lawsuits in American history against a multi-billion dollar corporation.

当生活fuck you,fuck it back。老娘跟你没完。关于电影女主原型。你的脊椎值多少钱?!。现在最应该给结石妈妈看的电影。做事情,就要坚持不懈。欣克利小镇起诉太平洋天然气和电力公司案。正义只是迟到,永远不会缺席。然而,然而……。女人的成长。记录那些让人会心一笑的片段——。

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