Margaret(Sandra Bullock 桑德拉·布洛克饰)是美国一家知名出版公司的高管,办事出色,为人却极为强势,一旦她的身影出现在办公室,气氛立即会降至冰点,员工们在表面上无不对她噤若寒蝉,在心底则暗呼她为“女魔头”。   Margaret对这一切置若罔闻,照旧施行铁腕政策,可就在她事业如日中天之际,一个噩耗却几乎把她砸晕——因为某些技术性原因,她的签证无法续签,而她本人不得不被遣送回原籍加拿大。   为了保住她苦心经营的一切,Margaret决定和助手Andrew(Ryan Reynolds 瑞安·雷诺兹饰)伪装结婚,以取得在美居住权。在半利诱半胁迫之下,Andrew答应了这个荒唐的要求。   移民局将在一周后对两人进行测试,而Margaret对Andrew还是一无所知,这个周末,她和Andrew一同回到他的家乡……

For three years, Andrew Paxton has slaved as the assistant to Margaret Tate, hard-driving editor at a New York publisher. When Margaret, a Canadian, faces deportation for an expired visa, she hatches a scheme to marry Andrew - he agrees if she'll promise a promotion. A skeptical INS agent vows to test the couple about each other the next Monday. Andrew had plans to fly home that weekend for his grandma's 90th, so Margaret goes with him - to Sitka, Alaska - where mom, dad, and grams await. Family dynamics take over: tensions between dad and Andrew, an ex-girlfriend, Andrew's dislike of Margaret, and her past color the next few days, with the INS ready to charge Andrew with fraud.

拿什么来爱你,我的悍妇?。不可以畏惧谎言。人人都说假,为何还大卖?。留一颗星给完美花瓶Ryan Reynolds。无意识。言情小说般的爱情故事。就算是套路也是甜的。在谁的主场。有个加拿大女魔头逼“我”娶她。爱情很纯粹的。

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