伊森(伊桑·恩布里 Ethan Embry 饰)和海莉(索拉·伯奇 Thora Birch 饰)是情同手足的兄妹,两人之间感情十分要好。母亲凯瑟琳(哈莉·简·科扎克 Harley Jane Kozak 饰)和父亲麦克(杰米·谢尔丹 Jamey Sheridan 饰)早年离异,两个孩子的唯一愿望,就是能够趁着圣诞节的机会,让父亲和母亲重新走到一起,为此,古灵精怪的两个小鬼设了一个计谋。   半路杀出的富商托尼(凯文·尼龙 Kevin Nealon 饰)彻底搅乱了伊森和海莉的计划,他对美丽的凯瑟琳一见钟情,并且向其展开了火热的爱情攻势。与此同时,伊森和她暗恋的女孩史蒂芬妮(Amy Oberer 饰)之间的关系亦发生了问题,对于他来说,想要过好这个圣诞节可真是不容易。

"All I Want For Christmas" is a comedy about two New York City children who launch a hilarious scheme to get what they most want this holiday season. Ethan, a practical older brother, and adorable Hallie, who knows how to charm her way out of a difficult situation, are intent on spending Christmas with their parents, Catherine and Michael, and grandmother Lillian. As Ethan and Hallie embark on their adventure, almost nothing goes exactly as they planned. Complicating things is a smarmy businessman named Toney Boer, who has taken an interest in Catherine. Ethan, meanwhile, is preoccupied with not only his parents' romantic dilemma, but also his own - one brought about by his new friendship with Stephanie, his first teenage crush. What evolves is an elaborate scheme involving mice, telephone calls and an ice-cream truck, as Ethan and Hallie try to achieve their goal with the help of Stephanie. The duo's primary obstacle is their mother's fiance, Tony. The children finally succeed with a little Christmas magic from Santa Claus.

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