麦克(瑞凡•菲尼克斯)和斯考特(基努•里维斯)同为沦落街头的男妓,然而因为相差巨大的家庭背景,“同为天涯沦落人”的他们并非表面般“心照不宣”。   时常昏厥的麦克脑海中一直充满着有关童年的破碎片段,爱达荷的诗意田园也常常入他梦境,他一心想找回失散多年的母亲,将斯考特视为知己和爱人。斯考特本是波特兰市长的儿子,“自甘堕落”只为体会放荡青春的快感,他清楚地知道,虽然现在陪着麦克一路从波特兰到西雅图,又从爱达荷到意大利,麦克却成不了他最终的温暖归宿,他能回归的,是权势、荣华与姑娘。

Mike Waters lives on the street and befriends the somewhat older and streetwise Scott Favor who shows him what is necessary to survive. Waters suffers from narcolepsy and can fall asleep at any moment and in almost any circumstance. Favor comes from a rich family and is rebelling against his own background. They travel together extensively - Waters is driven by the need to find his biological mother - and spend time in Italy. Later in life however, Favor has joined mainstream society and has little time for his old friend.


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