一转眼,艾丹(扎克·布拉夫 Zach Braff 饰)已经35岁“高龄”了,活到了这把年纪的他,却还是一个默默无闻,名不见经传的龙套演员。艾丹有两个孩子格瑞斯(乔伊·金 Joey King 饰)和塔克(皮尔斯·加格农 Pierce Gagnon 饰),平日里,艾丹为了谋生工作繁忙,将照顾两个孩子的责任全部都丢在了父亲的身上。   某日,父亲告诉艾丹,自己再也无法负担孩子们昂贵的私立学费了,无奈之下,艾丹只得把孩子们领回了自己家。因为曾经在学校里遭受霸凌的阴影,艾丹坚决不愿意将自己的孩子送进公立学校,既然无力支付学费,他打算在家里开设私塾,自己做孩子们的老师。

'Wish I Was Here' is the story of Aidan Bloom, a struggling actor, father and husband, who at 35 is still trying to find his identity; a purpose for his life. He winds up trying to home school his two children when his father can no longer afford to pay for private education and the only available public school is on its last legs. Through teaching them about life his way, Aidan gradually discovers some of the parts of himself he couldn't find.

当梦想照进现实。到底什么在支撑着你的梦想。wish i was here。幻想梦想现实。心在彼处 Wish I Was Here。Feeling hopelessly stuck.。微笑面对4400。在时间的长河里,只活了一辈子的其实都是孩子。心灵的港湾。极品卢瑟+软饭男的故事。

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