London, 1969 - two 'resting' (unemployed and unemployable) actors, Withnail and Marwood, fed up with damp, cold, piles of washing-up, mad drug dealers and psychotic Irishmen, decide to leave their squalid Camden flat for an idyllic holiday in the countryside, courtesy of Withnail's uncle Monty's country cottage. But when they get there, it rains non-stop, there's no food, and their basic survival skills turn out to be somewhat limited. Matters are not helped by the arrival of Uncle Monty, who shows an uncomfortably keen interest in Marwood...

“如果世上有上帝,为何屁股能翘得刚好被踢到?”。Hamlet,Act II, scene 2。为withnail and i 而建的相册。生活 生活 明天我会好好的过。终于看了!!和我想象的一样精彩,甚至于让我惊喜!。英国人的英文真好。《Withnail And I[我与长指甲]》损友。逃离伦敦。异样的感觉。可耻的人他们反对生命反对无聊为了美丽在风中在人们眼中变得枯萎。

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