Agent James Bond 007 is on a mission which includes a media tycoon, his former lover and a Chinese agent. Elliot Carver wants to complete his global media empire, but in order for this to work, he must achieve broadcasting rights in China. Carver wants to start up World War III by starting a confrontation over British and Chinese waters. Bond gains the help of Wai Lin on his quest to stop him, but how will Bond feel when he meets up with his former lover, who is now Carver's wife.

想知道本片的最佳情节吗?。难道没有可说的?。【系列补完计划】《007之十八:明日帝国》。18年后回头来看007。高潮不断的场面&最给力邦女郎。007之明日帝国。明日帝国与黄金眼。最好与最坏的邦德之明日帝国。Changing of Chinese Image。杨紫琼没有给中国人丢脸。

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