寒冷的冬天来到,丹尼尔(Dean Armstrong 饰)、肯妮娅(Jennifer Pudavick 饰)、布丽姬特(Kaitlyn Wong 饰)、让娜(Terra Vnesa 饰)等一众青年男女相约去雪山中度假。谁知他们迷了路,来到了一个完全陌生的所在。寒冷的暴风雪即将袭来,众人无可奈何找到了一幢废弃的建筑暂时栖身。从建筑中留下来的资料得知,这里曾是名为格伦威尔的疗养院,专门用来收容形容怪异、极度危险的边缘人群。早年间疗养院放生了一场恐怖血腥的暴乱,最终废弃不用。 青年们在这里纵情欢歌,却没想到还有几个畸形人住在这里。他们似乎并不欢迎这群不速之客。夜幕降临,惨无人道的屠杀悄悄展开,青年们迎来了最为恐怖的假期……
Follows a group of friends that decide to go snowmobiling during their winter break. They make a "wrong turn", getting lost in a storm, and seek shelter in an abandoned sanatorium. They are completely isolated by the storm and are thankful they can get out of the elements. But the sanatorium has a troubled past, and some of its former patients still reside there and are not happy about the intrusion. In a deadly game of cat and mouse, the college kids must fight to survive the night.
脑残与虚伪的集合体——恶评致命弯道4。2到这个程度你就再也没烦恼了【有剧透,不喜勿入】。一个发卡和一个SB女的故事。。。纯粹是一个傻逼女人害的。请问本片的导演,编剧,你们是人么?。蓝衣脑残女没被食人魔吃掉,自己开车挂掉,我情不自禁的笑了。。。。致命弯道系列是劝人向善 教人学好的片子 很有教育意义。垃圾食品也是食品。这帮送死的二货~~~~。致命弯道4剧情再创新低,烂到无以复加。
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