故事根据Martha Raddatz的《纽约时报》畅销书改编。   2004年4月4日,入侵伊拉克的美军第一骑兵师在巴格达萨德尔城遭遇伏击,伤亡惨重,心有余悸的美军从此将这一天 定为一年一度的「黑色星期日」。此事件发生在美国前总统乔治-W-布什宣布伊拉克战争「任务结束」11个月后,美国军方对伊拉克的态度从此大变,由所谓的「维持和平」转向大肆屠杀,美军为此起了个好听的名字,叫做「与叛乱分子英勇作战」

The Long Road Home tells the story of the eight-hour battle in Sadr City on April 4, 2004, that followed the ambush of a newly-arrived American platoon. Told in real time through the eyes of untested soldiers in combat for the first time, their families anxiously awaiting news on the home front, and ordinary Iraqis trapped in the chaos of war, the series gives viewers an intimate and unforgettable portrait of what it's really like to go to war. Based on Martha Raddatz's acclaimed New York Times-bestselling book.

米国鬼子的问题在哪里。仇恨是铁链,战争为锻炉。。某敢拍这种自曝其短的军事片么。美剧《漫长归途》里的那个那个中慰~。论怎么变着法子找不到人。剧中的指挥官都是在西点军校看大门毕业的吗?。走开,老子要回家。I have a rendezvous with Death。既当标子又立牌坊。真实难免枯燥,战争总是相似。

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