The Japanese has invaded far into china, defeating the Kuomintang (KMT) soldiers many times and pushing them back into Central China. There was a general sentiment among anti-Japanese resistance forces that the Communist Party of China (CCP) was not contributing enough to the war, and that they were only interested in expanding their power. As a result, the CCP planned a major offensive against the Japanese, consisting of 105 regiments, called the Hundred Regiments Offensive

我觉得这个片拍得相当不错。比较中肯的抗战片。后悔没去看《这里的黎明静悄悄》。作为商业片爱好者,我给四星。。大会战的将领都都在说文艺腔的台词。旗帜,前进的方向。很久没看革命战争题材影片了,昨天重温了大决战,今天就买了百团大战的票。编导臆想中的百团大战。结构清晰 节奏略糊涂 很棒的“电视剧”。黑——评电影《百团大战》。

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