米基的继子莱昂在一起建筑工地“意外”中丧生了,米基打算偷偷把莱昂的尸体埋起来,然而米基的老婆,莱昂的妈妈发现事有蹊跷,遂与米基进行对质。米基发现自己深陷一系列编织的谎言中……   影片根据彼得·德克斯特的同名小说改编,讲述了一场埋尸案因一起建筑事故被曝光并且最终真相大白的故事。

When Mickey's crazy step-son Leon is killed in a construction 'accident', nobody in the working class neighborhood of God's Pocket is sorry he's gone. Mickey tries to bury the bad news with the body, but when the boy's mother demands the truth, Mickey finds himself stuck in a life-and-death struggle between a body he can't bury, a wife he can't please and a debt he can't pay.


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