弗兰奇(艾德里安·布洛迪 Adrien Brody 饰)刚刚结束为期十年的漫长牢狱之灾,然而,艰苦的铁窗生活却并没有改变他暴戾邪恶的性格,刚刚出狱没多久,他便开始筹划着干一笔大买卖,以此作为收官之战。   弗兰奇找到了自己的弟弟詹姆斯(海登·克里斯滕森 Hayden Christensen 饰),希望能够得到他的帮助,然而,詹姆斯早已经弃暗投明,成为了一名汽车修理工。他打算和女友艾米丽(乔丹娜·布鲁斯特 Jordana Brewster 饰)一起踏踏实实过日子,共同打造美好安定的未来。弗兰奇的出现彻底搅乱了詹姆斯的人生计划,眼见弟弟不情不愿,弗兰奇竟然以艾米的性命为威胁,无奈之下,詹姆斯只得就范。

James (Hayden Christensen) owes his life to his older brother, Frankie (Adrien Brody) after taking the rap for a crime they committed together. While Frankie served time, James worked to turn his life around, got a steady job and began courting his former girlfriend Emily (Jordana Brewster). Now, Frankie is released and back on the streets with no money and no place to go. He turns to his underworld connections (Akon) and convinces James to join him in hopes that one last job will be the solution to change both their lives.

真的是文艺片来的。。主要说Adrien Brody的表演感受,顺便聊剧情。悍匪武器很精良,素质和战术很差!。美国劫案的立体人性塑造。《美国劫案》:打虎亲兄弟。不是每次抢银行都是警匪片。唉,再好的影帝,也撑不住剧本不行。你管这叫文艺片?。黑人劫匪被击杀时,他在想什么?。又是被简介骗来看的电影。

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