While wrestling with the pressures of life, love, and work in Manhattan, Carrie, Miranda, and Charlotte join Samantha for a trip to Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), where Samantha's ex is filming a new movie.

Reality is the Biggest Bitch - 看《sex and the city 2》。心未动,身已远。SATC2首映感观: I will always love the girls。Samantha大婶带领三个已婚大妈去中东旅游的二三事。最浪漫的事。《欲望都市2》:千万别有第三部(帮贴)。Carrie时刻。十年后的你,在哪里微笑,在哪里哭泣。I am woman。就让爱丰盛的离开。

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