作为家中最小的儿子,罗伦特(贝努阿·费雷 Benoît Ferreux 饰)理所应当的享受着更多的照顾和关怀。罗伦特的母亲克拉拉(蕾雅·马萨利 Lea Massari 饰)是一个思想和作风都颇为开放的意大利人,这给罗伦特的成长史打上了不可磨灭的印记。罗伦特就读于一所校风极其严谨的天主教学校,在压抑和束缚之中,十五岁的罗伦特开始对“性”产生了兴趣。   由于心脏发生了病变,罗伦特被克拉拉带到了一处温泉旅馆疗养,在那里,他认识了黛芬尼(Corinne Kersten 饰)和海伦(Jacqueline Chauvaud 饰),让罗伦特惊讶的是,他发现他的母亲竟然和与自己差不多大的男孩子调情。克拉拉被情人抛弃,伤心的她喝得酩酊大醉,在照顾醉酒的母亲的同时,罗伦特终于忍不住踏过了那条伦理道德的界线。

This is a jolly coming-of-age story about a 14-year-old boy named Laurent Chevalier who is growing up in bourgeois surroundings in Dijon, France. This is France in the mid-1950s rather than America in the 1990s. Thus, Laurent is unharmed by events which would irreparably shatter the self-esteem of a modern American adolescent: he gets drunk, he smokes, he has sex, he is smothered by his mother, he is ignored by his father, a priest makes a pass at him, he gets rheumatoid fever, etc. There's enough scandalous behavior in this film to make 100 made-for-TV movies, and yet this is a very happy and oddly innocent tale.

越界的成长。人-女人-母亲。人伦纲常。只是好奇的心。导演还真敢拍啊···。Roger Ebert的影评翻译。禁忌的诱惑。为什么爱因斯坦说,没有好奇心等于行尸走肉?。这位母亲的心和爱真正自由的。人们可以彼此尊重到什么程度?。

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