Four tales of crime adapted from Frank Miller's popular comics, focusing around a muscular brute who's looking for the person responsible for the death of his beloved Goldie, a man fed up with Sin City's corrupt law enforcement who takes the law into his own hands after a horrible mistake, a cop who risks his life to protect a girl from a deformed pedophile, and a hitman looking to make a little cash.

女子是光。从来就是这样酷。。【美学作业】昆汀·塔伦蒂诺与他的《罪恶之城》。纯色暴力的背后。我的女孩 sin city。誓將成為改編漫畫的經典之作。sin city的时间轴,很多人(包括我)可能都误解了。浅析电影《罪恶之城》。提到暴力美学,我们究竟在谈些什么——细数电影《罪恶之城》中的“英雄式”人物。【罪恶之城】。

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