普通上班族野野宫良多(福山雅治 饰)和妻子野野宫绿(尾野真千子 饰)结婚多年,感情十分要好,两人共同养育着聪明乖巧的儿子野野宫庆多(二宫庆多 饰),生活宁静中处处透露着幸福。令本以为平静生活将一直持续的三人没有想到的是,一通来自庆多出生的医院的电话将这个小家庭卷入了风口 浪尖之上。   原来,庆多并非良多和绿的儿子,而是由斋木雄大(利利·弗兰克 饰)和尤加利(真木阳子 饰)的爱情结晶。是朝夕相处的感情珍贵,还是血脉相连的羁绊重要?面对多年前一个小小误会所酿成的后果,良多和绿不知该何去何从。而对于雄大、尤加利和两人亦非亲生的孩子斋木琉晴(黄升炫 饰)来说,他们亦站在了人生的十字路口之前。

Would you choose your natural son, or the son you believed was yours after spending 6 years together? Kore-eda Hirokazu, the globally acclaimed director of "Nobody Knows", "Still Walking" and "I Wish", returns to the big screen with another family - a family thrown into torment after a phone call from the hospital where the son was born... Ryota has earned everything he has by his hard work, and believes nothing can stop him from pursuing his perfect life as a winner. Then one day, he and his wife, Midori, get an unexpected phone call from the hospital. Their 6-year-old son, Keita, is not 'their' son - the hospital gave them the wrong baby. Ryota is forced to make a life-changing decision, to choose between 'nature' and 'nurture.' Seeing Midori's devotion to Keita even after learning his origin, and communicating with the rough yet caring family that has raised his natural son for the last six years, Ryota also starts to question himself: has he really been a 'father' all these years...

你知道Spider Man 是蜘蛛吗。你不需要跟你父亲一样。孩子眼中的大人和大人眼中的孩子。千萬別和從未徹底失戀過的人談戀愛~~。是枝裕和消失的问题意识。关于《如父如子》剧作分析笔记。父亲也是别人无法替代的工作。明天能做的事绝不放到今天。感动以上,惊艳未满。别致的视角。

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