德鲁(奥兰多·布鲁姆 Orlando Bloom饰)陷入了人生的谷底期,他为公司带来了数亿元的损失,逃不过被老板炒鱿、被女友甩掉的命运。万念俱灰中,他设计了一系列完美却又搞笑的自杀计划,企图一死了之。一串电话铃声,中止了他的自杀进程——父亲的死讯给德鲁带来了迫在眉睫的任务,他必须尽快回到遥远的伊丽莎白镇去处理后事。   于是,接下来的事情就像一连串奇妙的隐喻,让德鲁从谷底里重新看到希望。他在飞机上遇见空姐克莱尔(克尔斯滕·邓斯特 Kirsten Dunst饰),她美丽大方,善解人意,总是在德鲁最寂寞低落的时候给予窝心的慰藉。而德鲁的母亲,虽然总是神经兮兮,对生活的热忱和乐观却深深感染了儿子。在爱情和亲情的温泽下,德鲁渐渐重拾生活的信心日渐坚壮,带他走出生命低谷。

After causing a loss of almost one billion dollars in his company, the shoe designer Drew Baylor decides to commit suicide. However, in the exact moment of his act of despair, he receives a phone call from his sister telling him that his beloved father had just died in Elizabethtown, and he should bring him back since his mother had problem with the relatives of his father. He travels in an empty red eye flight and meets the attendant Claire Colburn, who changes his view and perspective of life.

你的远方,并不是乌托邦。爱情,更不是。。不是爱情,是温情。平淡的经典,Elizabethtown。你是我突如其来的晴朗。台词不错。在路上。谁是谁的天使,谁作谁的光。平淡的幸福。spring breeze。etown 音乐完全记录。

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