玛丽安(朱莉•黛比 饰)是来自法国的摄影师,她的男朋友杰克(亚当•戈登堡 饰)是美国的室内设计师,两人在纽约生活了两年,感情逐渐趋于平淡。为了找回失落的激情,两人放下一切去欧洲度假。在享受了完美的旅行,二人感情重新苏醒之后,玛丽安决定转到巴黎看望父母,顺便领回自己的小猫,对巴黎颇有幻想的杰克欣然同意。   然而,种种匪夷所思的事情随之而来:玛丽安的父母作风大胆,话题百无禁忌;玛丽安的前男友们纷纷出现,一个比一个疯狂……短短两天,杰克对天堂巴黎的幻想破灭,他的美国基因无法接受这一切。最终,玛丽安和杰克不得不坐下来谈谈未来,这次谈话也许是一个艰难的开始,或者仅仅是一个无奈的结束。

2 Jours - 2 Days follows two days in the relationship of a New York based couple - a French photographer Marion and American interior designer Jack - as they attempt to re-infuse their relationship with romance by taking a vacation in Europe. Their trip to Venice didn't really work out, - they both came down with gastroenteritis. They have higher hopes for Paris. But the combination of Marion's overbearing non-English-speaking parents, flirtatious ex-boyfriends, and Jack's obsession with photographing every famous Parisian tombstone and conviction that French condoms are too small, only adds fuel to the fire. Will they be able to salvage their relationship? Will they ever have sex again? Or will they merely manage to perfect the art of arguing?

推荐给以下人士观看:。问谁可与我同步。只能過過癮的gag show。女版伍迪•艾伦的《玛丽安•霍尔》。bond of Linklater & Smith。焦躁的年代。quotes from "2 days in paris"。這個巴黎,Est-ce qu votre Paris? Oui, Je l'aime et vous?。心灵的触碰。瘋狂的法國人。

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