
When Lisa Tepes, beloved wife of Vlad Tepes AKA Dracula is acused of witchcraft and burned at the stake by an overzealous bishop, Dracula declares war on the people of Wallachia and unleashes an army of murderous demonic creatures from hell. Luckily, Trevor Belmont, last survivor of the Belmont clan, a disgraced family known for hunting all kinds of monsters, is still in town and agrees to take the fight to the lord of vampires.

短短4集的《恶魔城》动画,浓缩了系列30年的粉丝爱。《恶魔城》:东方最精彩的德古拉千年史诗,早该影视化了!。《恶魔城》的三个世界观。Netflix不要脸啊,卖情怀也不能拉4集前奏就当第一季吧!。神圣的和肮脏的。三人小队性格与弑父行为。论一个经典游戏IP改编动画漫画的标准动作。恶魔城第一季动画观后感。1-4。《恶魔城 Castlevania 第一季》短评(也许更)。

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