A collection of five stories involving cab drivers in five different cities. Los Angeles - A talent agent for the movies discovers her cab driver would be perfect to cast, but the cabbie is reluctant to give up her solid cab driver's career. New York - An immigrant cab driver is continually lost in a city and culture he doesn't understand. Paris - A blind girl takes a ride with a cab driver from the Ivory Coast and they talk about life and blindness. Rome - A gregarious cabbie picks up an ailing man and virtually talks him to death. Helsinki - an industrial worker gets laid off and he and his compatriots discuss the bleakness and unfairness of love and life and death.

巴黎篇 4:07。地球之夜。巴别塔。地球之夜。《地球之夜》熟悉的陌生人。觀影心得:其實自己的長夜也沒那麼難過。个体的疏离和人文关怀。一夜世界。。《地球之夜》的人物速写。柔软的世界和柔软的黑夜。

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