故事发生在20世纪30年代的上海,托德(拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes 饰)是一位生活和事业都陷入了瓶颈的外交官,整日混迹于欢场和酒馆之间。刚刚来到这里的时候,托德也有过宏大和高远的理想,但渐渐失去的视力和复杂的权谋争斗让他无法再在职业的道路上前进下去。   在一家夜总会里,托德结识了名叫索菲亚(娜塔莎·理查德森 Natasha Richardson 饰)女子。索菲亚曾是声名显赫的伯爵夫人,如今却沦为艳舞女郎,为了抚养十岁的女儿,她甚至不得不出卖自己的肉体。就是这样境遇相同的两人,不断的相互吸引着。不久之后,日侵华战争全面爆发,而此时,托德才发现了自己压抑已久的对于索菲亚的强烈爱意,这对心心相印的男女最终能否终成眷属呢?

Shanghai. 1936. Crossroads of the world and into this city of political intrigue comes Sofia, a Russian Countess who, with the remains of her family, has been left stateless by the Revolution. Forced by her reduced circumstances to support herself and her family as a bar-girl and taxi dancer, Sofia forms a relationship with Jackson, a blind former diplomat who opens an elegant bar; The White Countess. Their curious relationship matures but they are caught up in the fall of the city to the Japanese invaders.

上海的俄罗斯妓女。母性之光。表演表演, 还是表演。什么叫演技派。记住你,只需要一个电影的长度!。俄国在哪里?。不需要那么多。。民俗画而已。尘埃落定。伯爵夫人。

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