将司(阿部宽 饰)是一个来自日本的黑社会头目,在一次与泰国黑帮的交易冲突中,对方容貌妖艳、身手矫捷的女子成员阿欣(Ammara Siripong 饰)引起了他的注意。在此之后,两人开始交往,然而日本和泰国的帮派冲突却逐渐升级。最终,阿欣为了救心上人而背叛了自己的老大。将司迫于无奈逃回日本,阿欣则留在泰国,独自生下女儿阿珊。阿珊从小患有自闭症,但她却有着非凡的能力,她能迅速记下并掌握复杂的格斗动作。数年过后,成年的阿珊(杰佳·亚宁 JeeJa Yanin 饰)俨然成长为一个出色的格斗高手。   另一方面,阿欣当年被老大刺伤,如今又患上癌症,生活无法自理。倔强的阿珊决定向泰国帮讨还属于母亲的钱,而她注定要面对无数危险……

When Zin, former girlfriend of a Thai mob boss, falls for Masashi, a Japanese gangster in Thailand, the boss banishes them: Masashi to Japan, and Zin, with her small daughter Zen, to live next to a martial arts school. Zen is autistic, with uncanny swift reflexes. She watches the students next door and Muay Thai movies, absorbing every technique. She's now a teen, and her mother needs chemotherapy. Zin has taken in a chubby kid, Moom, who watches over Zen. Moom finds a ledger listing business men who owe Zin money; he goes to them one at a time to collect in order to pay for Zin's treatment. Zen, with her martial skills, becomes his enforcer. A showdown with the boss is inevitable.

令人肃然起敬的鬼扯大杂烩。一个自闭儿童的伟大武技。干掉敌人还得用拳脚说话。向超级马里奥、洛克人,以及其他那些淳朴而灵活的2D ACT鞠躬。拜师学艺的时代过去了。佩服。8条感想。穿碎花拼色裙的女孩。。别样的年少。完美的代替词。

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