筑地市场已经有 80 年的历史,正式名称为东京都中央区筑地公营批发市场,是东京市政府设置的中央批发市场之一。早从江户时代开始,东京的鱼货批发其实是集中在日本桥附近鱼河岸的市场摊位。1923 年发生关东大震灾,市场遭到毁坏,只好转移阵地。原本只打算借用位于筑地的日本海军用地作为临时的批发市场,没想到自此固定下来,并于 1935 年正式开启成立。   在“筑地”落幕之际,就让我们跟着镜头一同领会这传奇市场的独特魅力。

In Tokyo, Japan, the Tsukiji Fish Market is a massive complex where a wide variety of fish products are brokered. The Market employs over 12,000 workers, and about 30,000 customers conduct business there daily. The Market provides fish for Japanese restaurants and consumers, but also sends exotic product throughout the world. The documentary focuses upon the Japanese wholesalers who become fish experts, and devote their life to finding the best, most-desirable fish for their finicky customers.

为什么筑地是全世界最著名的鱼市?。给自己的一点启发。[台词集锦] 职人精神应该是互通的吧,看完对工作斗志满满!。吃货必看!从此东京再无筑地市场......。《如果只能有那样的人生》。世界上独一无二的筑地。筑地奇缘。馋哭岛国的美食仙境,可惜再也看不到了。不只是建立在金钱上的的市场。迷失东京。

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