因为找到一份新工作,西蒙·卡勒姆(杰森·贝特曼 Jason Bateman 饰)带着从事绘画设计工作的妻子萝宾(丽贝卡·豪尔 Rebecca Hall 饰)来到加州居住。西蒙的事业小有成就,夫妻俩和谐融洽,生活无忧无虑。在购物时,西蒙偶然重逢高中同学戈多(乔尔·埃哲顿 Joel Edgerton 饰),两人简单交谈后挥手告别。未过几天,戈多不请自来为夫妻带来了小礼物,当晚三个人共进晚餐,不过西蒙感觉并不十分愉快,显然他不太喜欢这个始终那么古怪的同学,相反萝宾倒有些欣赏这个热心的男子。在一次小的波折过后,西蒙终于决定张口要和完全不属于同一个世界的戈多绝交。   戈多面带失落,同时一种异样的表情在他脸上浮现……

Simon and Robyn are a young married couple whose life is going just as planned until a chance encounter with an acquaintance from Simon's high school sends their world into a harrowing tailspin. Simon doesn't recognize Gordo at first, but after a series of uninvited encounters and mysterious gifts prove troubling, a horrifying secret from the past is uncovered after more than 20 years. As Robyn learns the unsettling truth about what happened between Simon and Gordo, she starts to question: how well do we really know the people closest to us, and are past bygones ever really bygones?

個人電影清單#180.《致命礼物》。作为一个欺凌者 你凭什么那么理直气壮。罪的代价。Liar won't believe anybody else....。让你得尴尬症的电影未必是烂片。老实人发起狠来那真是…… | 礼物。《致命礼物》:谎言毁一生。终极大GIFT。是发现老公的真面目可怕,还是被weirdo视奸可怕?。“以牙还牙”和“弱肉强食”之间,我选择站一个“大女主”路线。

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