一个年轻的女孩儿发现自己罕见的消化系统失调症在一场严重的事故后奇迹般地治愈了。电影改编自Christy Beam的小说《Three Miracles From Heaven 》

MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN is based on the incredible true story of the Beam family. When Christy (Jennifer Garner) discovers her 10-year-old daughter Anna (Kylie Rogers) has a rare, incurable disease, she becomes a ferocious advocate for her daughter's healing as she searches for a solution. After Anna has a freak accident, an extraordinary miracle unfolds in the wake of her dramatic rescue that leaves medical specialists mystified, her family restored and their community inspired.

宗教言论不能抹灭它的温情。天堂的奇迹。学会等待。算不上影评,只是感触。人要有信仰。学会等待。正是有了这样温暖的关怀,有了不计得失、不求回报的爱,这个世界才不会让人绝望。短评 致。。。mayby...也许我的经历能说明下痊愈原因。神迹奇事。

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