Nick(杰西·艾森伯格 Jesse Eisenberg 饰)是小镇上的一个普通披萨送餐员,他一直都过着平凡的生活。一天,他的平凡生活和两个有计划犯罪的罪犯——Dwayne(丹尼·麦克布耐德 Danny McBride 饰)和Travis(尼克·斯旺森 Nick Swardson 饰)碰撞到一起。疯狂的两个罪犯绑架Nick去抢劫银行。就在这短短的半个小时里,Nick在他的朋友Chet(阿兹·安萨里 Aziz Ansari 饰)的帮助下,完成了不可能完成的任务。时间滴答滴答的在流走,这两个罪犯必须同警察、雇佣的刺客还有别人手中拿着的喷火器,甚至是他们两人自己出现的分歧做斗争......

The not so smart Dwayne intends to open a massage parlor with his partner Travis, but he does not have money for the investment. He decides to hire a hit-man to kill his father, The Major, who won a large amount of money in the lottery years ago, but the killer demands US$ 100,000 for the job. Dwayne and Travis kidnap the pizza delivery boy Nick and they dress Nick in a vest with a timer and several bombs. Then Dwayne tells Nick that he has ten hours to rob US$ 100,000 from a bank. Once he does, he would give Nick the code to release the vest. Nick summons his best friend Chet to help him in the heist but the scheme does not work the way Dwayne has plotted.

惊魂半小时背后那个悲惨的pizza快递员原型。。很迅速的喜剧片。如果你想看一部彻头彻尾很2B的片子。表演到位的热幽默暴力,新式“白色暴力”的开山作。多过预期 少过苛求。只是一个故事。小子别。上上下下左左右右BABA。这故事是根据一件真实事件改编的。杰西你又调皮了。

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