
Lee Kang-hee is an editorialist of a influential newspaper in South Korea. With the power of the press, he makes the congressman Jang Pil-woo to one of the candidates of the next presidential election. That is the result of a secret deal between Lee and Ahn Sang-goo, a political henchman of Jang Pil-woo. But Ahn makes an almost fatal error, when he gets caught pocketing the record on the Jang's slush fund. The prosecutor Woo Jang-hoon is about to investigate and becomes absolutely determined, because the case would help him making big steps in his career. Ahn gets in real trouble, when he gets dropped by Jang and should have been killed, but is able to flee. Now a bitter war starts between one who is lusting for power, the one who wants vengeance and the one who is eager for success.

《局内人》,易“燃”易“暴”。尹太浩的作品果然很厉害。这局没完。这就是真相,关键就是你愿意去信吗?。大众皆猪狗。权力是最好的春药。印象深刻的台词和细节( • ̀ω•́ )✧。不入虎穴焉得虎子。一个大写的牛逼!。温吞水煮沸不了一个好故事!。

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