多恩(希瑟·玛塔拉佐 Heather Matarazzo 饰)是一个非常平凡的青春期的女孩,样貌平平,也没有什么拿得出手的特长,扔在人堆里眨眼间就会消失。多恩一直觉得自己简直倒霉透顶,爸爸妈妈将注意力都放在工作和优秀的哥哥姐姐身上,对自己无暇顾及,而哥哥姐姐也觉得有这样一个普通的妹妹很没有面子,而对她冷言冷语。好不容易找到一个心仪的男生,却在鼓起勇气告白之后遭到了无情的拒绝。而反观自己周围的人,好像每一个人都过得比自己要快乐。   终于,忍无可忍的多恩决定离家出走,或许外面的世界会比这里要好得多。然而,事实真的是这样吗?

Seventh-grade is no fun. Especially for Dawn Weiner when everyone at school calls you 'Dog-Face' or 'Wiener-Dog.' Not to mention if your older brother is 'King of the Nerds' and your younger sister is a cutesy ballerina who gets you in trouble but is your parents' favorite. And that's just the beginning--her life seems to be falling apart when she faces rejection from the older guy in her brother's band that she has a crush on, her parents want to tear down her 'Special People's Club' clubhouse, and her sister is abducted....

丑女孩的恐怖青春期。now or never。欢迎光临娃娃屋。一路高歌 然后依然糟糕。你想要快进的,往往按下的只是repeat键。痛苦的青春期。finger fuck。

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